Red Paw
Kobold Wild Magic Sorcerer, Dispenser of Colorful Stones
Red Paw grew up in a den among other Kobolds and was rather unremarkable. One day, he was out wandering when his tribe was attacked for what was assumed to be kidnapping a mage. He saw the carnage as he returned and when the attackers found him, he surrendered. Instead of imprisoning him though, they brought him into their resistance organization, Cloudfall.
Red Paw sought to be useful as a messenger to earn his place among Cloudfall and that he did. Eventually, Cloudfall was able to take down their sworn enemy, The Terrace. With that, the barriers holding back magic in the world dissipated and Red Paw noticed he suddenly had powers of his own. While showing off a spell he had learned, the wild nature of his magic tore open a rift that pulled him out of the world of Saared and into this new one.
Not knowing where he was, Red Paw set off to learn a way back home to his friends and how to better control his magic.
While in the Guild
Red Paw's Den for Comfort and Friends
Red Paw spent weeks digging in the Guild's garden to create a cozy burrow called his "Den for Comfort and Friends". It is a comfortable place for Guildmembers to relax, rest, and step away from the chaos of the Guild. Red Paw thought to make the den after so many Guild Members such as Bart, Theren, Bavazi, and Gaille all died. The den has a table, chairs, beanbags, and a bunch of shiny gems lining its interior walls.
While digging, Red Paw dug up a lot of Minimo's buried gold. He also met Bongo the Capybara. Bongo has taken up residence in the Den.
Dearest Red Paw, I graciously thank you for returning all the Gold Minimo had buried in the Garden. I would have had even more cardiatic stress if treasure holes #064-072 were caved in.
- Sir Giblet