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DM Fiat

DMs reserve the right to adjust any rules at any time for the sake of fairness, balance, or fun.


The Portal is mysterious, but operates on its own mostly consistent set of rules. The portal opens at 7pm and closes promptly at 8:45pm real world time on game days. Portal usage out of game (i.e. via Discord) will have a posted limit on when the portal will close.

Rest Schedule

In between every session is a rest, with everybody on the same schedule. The pattern:

Character too burnt out?

Consider creating an alt character if playing all 3 sessions a long rest cycle.

Character Creation

We accept any content from official Wizards of the Coast source books.

We do 4d6 keep highest 3 (4dkh3) 7 times keep 6. For example, if you rolled (4, 3, 5, 5), your stat total is 14 since you drop the 4. To roll stats, either roll in person or do the following in #dice-tower Discord channel !rollstats.

Rolled low?

Standard Array is 72 total. If your stat total is less than 72, you can choose to use Standard Array instead.


No experience is awarded in the game. Instead, experience is represented by paying gold which represents how you buy training time with experts in the guild.

Experience is Accumulative

Level 2 requires 300 xp and level 3 requires 900 xp, so the cost from 2->3 is 600 xp.

Level upGold CostLevel upGold Cost
1 to 230010 to 1118000
2 to 360011 to 1220000
3 to 4180012 to 1321500
4 to 5380013 to 1423000
5 to 6750014 to 1525000
6 to 79000
7 to 811000
8 to 914000
9 to 1016000
Level 10+ doesn't follow PHB

Notice that higher levels don't follow the Experience Point table. This is because 11->12 is less xp than 10->11 which we think is dumb.

HP at Each Level

At first level, your character's HP is the maximum roll on your Hit Die + Constitution modifier as normal. At every subsequent level, roll your new level's hit die. You may then choose to take the result of your roll or choose to instead use the average of the roll rounded down. In either case, add your CON modifier as normal.


Conan the Barbarian

  1. Rolls 1d12 and gets a 9.
  2. Keeps this roll and adds his CON modifier of +3 for a total of +12HP.
  3. This health is added to both his current and total HP.

Squish the Wizard

  1. Rolls 1d6 and gets a 2.
  2. Chooses to take the average rounded down of 3 instead, then adds his CON modifier of +0 to gain a total of +3HP.

There have been reported issues with DNDBeyond's HP calculator. [sic] Please double check your HP on DNDBeyond and if necessary use manual overrides or manipulations to make it correct in that system. Your character should only start with the max for your hit dice plus your CON bonus at level 1 (DNDBeyond will sometimes double the CON bonus)