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Landon Cruise


Landon Cruise is a mad scientist tied to the Syndicate who grafted draconic parts onto humanoids. This experimentation led to the creation of insane draconid-humanoid hybrids. Elves were a preferred race for experimentation due to their long lives and resistence against charm magic.

Landon Cruise is very full of himself. He has written his life's work down in a book. Said book can be checked out from Jeremiah in the Guild Library.

Landon Cruise was brought to justice by the Guild and imprisoned in Numerguard.

Not a Murder Hobo Medal 🥇

The Archive awards the Not a Murder Hobo medal to Illantris for not stabbing Landon during interrogations.

Horn of Naydra​

Landon Cruise's ambitions were to resurrect his dead wife using the Horn of Naydra. This legendary artifict supposedly has the ability to cast a true resurrection when used correctly.


He can cast spells without verbal or material components.


Thomas Blackwell​

They were aquainted with each other however they did not get along. Landon called the police on him.

Evelyn Cruise​

Landon's late wife Evelyn died attempting to combine celestial protections and magic with humans. Landon greatly grieved Evelyn's death.

Fun Fact​

  • Landon Cruise is the father of the deceased PC Lance Cruise.
  • Landon Cruise believes that spring water is used by the government to mind control the populace. He is a bit mad.