Trithagerous Magnimus
Brandon's ascendance to Elder DM means his characters have become NPCs.
Goblin Zealot Barbarian
Earning his adult name due the size of his muscles on a below-average height goblin awkward physique, Trithagerous looks like an upside down green triangle.
Trithagerous hails from a neighboring kingdom. His entire tribe was wiped out by a group of adventurers hired by a greedy baron wanting their lands. The last standing and most dangerous of the adventurers was a fireball slinging wizard. Trithagerous, not by an particular merit of his own but by merely being out-of-place, avoided the last fireball and got the finishing blow on the wizard. He wears scraps of that wizard's robe in remembrance of his tribe. Hearing of a land of more acceptance for his kind, he set off for Lemuria to improve his skills so that he protect the weak from villains who use fireballs.
Retirement: Adventuring Solo
Trithagerous has retired from the guild
Tar'kiz asked Tri to be a test subject explorer in their portal experiment. Tri has not been seen since the experiemnt.
Trithagerous and Tar'kiz make for the Portal room. Trithagerous has the Greatsword of +10 Fenris Slaying as a bindle perched on his shoulder.
"Wow Tar'kiz, you're sure I'm the only one in the Guild suited for this mission? So you're saying I'm special 🤩?" Trithagerous gleams.
"Yes, yes. Very special. Only you have the constitution and survivability to withstand such a quest."
Alvis sulks behind them, carrying several random instruments. "I don't see why I can't just play my axe on a different scale. None of these fit my style."
"Tar'kiz is running an experiment on the Portal and said he needed someone sturdy, fast, and sneaky. He said time might be a bit weird where I go, so I should bring some things."
Trithagerous salutes everyone. Tar'kiz turns on his new machine, Alvis is playing a one man band like that guy in Mary Poppins, and the Portal bursts to life, shifting and swirling every color. Tar'kiz spins to turn, the Greatsword of +10 Fenris Slaying swinging past Fenris who just barely jumps out of the way. He marches in, overburdened with snacks. He holds an apple fritter bearclaw covered in lemon syrup, dropping crumbs along the way. He turns his head back at everyone. "So I can find my way home," he says, giving his largest smile and a wink before turning and walking through.
As he passes the threshold a blinding light flashes. Vision returns followed by a crackle pop and the Portal releases sparks and fumes.
"Hmm... I promise I'll have that fixed in 24 hours." Tar'kiz hums. "What are you all still doing here? There's nothing else to see. Return to your rooms or tavern or wherever." Tar'kiz shooes everyone away.