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· 3 min read
Writ Scribbler

An official Kingdom Inquiry is underway as several accounts of gross misconduct have been leveled at the Lemurian Guild. “We are taking these accusations seriously and will fully comply with the investigative process,” stated Lady Cecilia, Commander of the Lemurian Guild.

The Court hears complaints about the Lemurian Guild with some frequency, but rarely do these escalate to the point of a formal inquiry. Three incidents in quick succession appear to have been substantiated enough to begin the process.


A passionate druid described a bloody scene in the forests outside the Capital. This time of year, food is scarce as the area goes through a natural transition towards winter. The druid brought a particularly cognizant squirrel who stated for the Court that members of the Lemurian Guild came, gathered these hungry animals together, then threw a bag of food into the center and watched as the animals fought one another to claim it. These Guild members then captured the squirrel and tortured him for information on the location of an item the squirrel found abandoned in the woods.


Shortly thereafter, the Court received a letter from Numergard where a small-time inmate described in detail how he was captured by the Lemurian Guild and placed into a cell for several weeks. While in the Guild’s cells, he overheard another inmate being tortured for information. “It was awful. I could hear the screaming as he said over and over how he could not give them the information they wanted,” read the letter.


Two additional accounts of assault and robbery in locations and times where and when Guild missions were authorized. Lady Cecilia stated that the Guild was using an internal process to look into these events to see if Guild members were involved, but at this point, the King authorized the Court to proceed with an inquiry into Guild records.


Lady Cecilia faced scrutiny from the Court during proceedings for her failure to keep the Guild under control as its commander. She responded, “We allow our members a high amount of autonomy so they may react to the unpredictable situations and varied dangers that threaten our fair kingdom. I know what it is like to go into awful situations and have to make hard choices in the heat of battle with lives on the line,” she said, referring to her time as an active combatant in the Guild which earned her the moniker ‘the Silver Valkyrie’. “That being said, we as the Lemurian Guild must hold ourselves to a higher standard commensurate with the power we wield.”


Just last year, the Guild also faced scrutiny for performing missions without following proper reporting guidelines. In an expose published by this author, it was revealed that a number of missions took place without documentation in hopes of keeping those missions secret. This prompted an inquiry and establishment of new regulations on when and how missions are documented and reported to the Crown and Court.