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Out of Character

Avrae is the internal and external will of the universe. Pray they take pity on you.

Avrae is a Discord bot for D&D used to roll dice and ability checks in the Lemurian Discord server.

Setting up

Use !import [dndbeyond character hyperlink] where the [dndbeyond character hyperlink] is your DNDBeyond character's share hyperlink. This loads your character into Avrae. Once the character is imported, you can use avrae commands.

Below is an example of where the share link is. Avrae_Example

You can do !rollstats to roll stats for a new character. Refer to the multiple characters page for more information.

Common Rolls

  • !char [character name] changes your active character to [character name]. This requires loading your characters before hand
  • !update updates your character with their latest stats from DNDBeyond
  • !roll 1d20 rolls 1d20 sided die.
  • !roll 1d20+2 rolls 1d20 and adds +2
  • !roll 2d20kl1 rolls 2d20 and keeps the lowest 1. kl stands for "Keep Lower"
  • !roll 3d20kh2+2 rolls 3d20, keeps the highest 2 and adds +2. kh stands for "Keep Higher"
  • !roll 1d20+2 adv rolls 1d20 with advantage (similar to 2d20kh1) and adds 2
  • !check strength rolls a strength check
  • !check charisma -rr 3 rolls 3 charisma checks
  • !check charisma -rr 3 -b 2 rolls 3 charisma checks with a +2 bonus
  • !check performance adv rolls a performance check with advantage
  • !check stealth dis rolls a stealth check with disadvantage
  • !save charisma rolls a charisma saving throw
  • !attack brings up the list of all attacks you can do with your currently loaded character.

"Avrae is fair and just."